Orion nebula here.. Orion nebula there.. Orion Nebula everywhere! This is the time of the year where you see a ton of shots of this fantastic deep sky object, simply because it's the brightest deep sky object there is and extremely easy for beginners to capture. It's also a relatively close deep sky object compared to others, and for this reason we get a spectacular wealth of colors. No need for the Hubble Palette narrowband for this target! True color captures are really nice, with a variety of pinks, blues, reds.
My capture of M42 is a deep one, focusing on both the really dark nebulosity surrounding the main target, and the core itself, also called the "trapezium". With today's cameras, it's very difficult to capture both the core and the surrounding nebulosity because the center is extremely bright. In essence, I executed a bracketed exposure, with one set of exposures collecting 300s and another set collecting only 15-second exposures. Combined, you can have best of both worlds :)